How Aqore Can Assist Staffing Firms With The Over-Looming OSHA Mandate

The Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) made public its anticipated emergency temporary standard,

Mobile Apps – The Key To Optimizing Your Recruitment Operations

It’s no secret, there’s a mobile app for just about anything you can think

Efficient Talent Capture: The Benefits Of Automation

As a former recruiter, I’ve spent countless hours phrasing job descriptions, posting on multiple

How Archaic Software Is Directly Impacting The Growth Of Your Staffing Firm

If you’ve been in the staffing industry for more than ten minutes, then you’ve

Adapting Into The World Of Remote Hiring & Onboarding

The current pandemic has changed organizations’ working modality across all industries, including staffing. The

Aqore: Redefining The Staffing Industry!

What Is Aqore? Our cloud-based software delivers a fully comprehensive CRM, ATS, Payroll, and